
Over the years I have had to create resources that would improve engagement and communication with children in the yoga lesson. Some worked magnificently and some failed miserably. The resources that I offer are the culmination of the ones that worked magnificently.
How I wish I had been able to buy resources like this off the shelf. Instead, I burnt many midnight candles scouring the web, printing, cutting and laminating. If these resources would have been around it would have saved me hours of preparation.
Thankfully, you can benefit from my endeavours and save yourself hours of planning time

I have written a variety of books that cover Yoga Breathing for Children, Relaxation, Sequences and The How, What and Where of teaching yoga to children.
The defining element of all my books is that everyone, irrespective of impairment, is included.
NOW AVAILABLE: Yoga for Children & Young People with Autism. Yoga Games & Activities for Everyone across the Spectrum

Posture Cards and Game Cards used together are one of your most important teaching resources. You can read how Posture & Game Cards can improve your teaching and engagement in my article What isThe Most Important Tool in the Children's Yoga Lesson
Yoga Sequence Posters

Sequences are such an important part of children's yoga. I have developed several sequences over the years that will ensure that every child is included irrespective of impairment. The age and suitability guides are not rigid.
I encourage you to try all of them and to choose the appropriate sequence to match the needs of the children in front of you.
Yoga Jigsaws

Jigsaw Puzzles are great for children with special needs, for TWO big reasons:
1. Puzzles help improve a child's concentration and problem solving skills without losing sight of the value of 'play'
2. This type of activity helps children to develop spatial recognition, matching, tactile, and fine-motor skills.
You can imagine that when you combine those aspects with jigsaws that encourage children to practise yoga postures you are on to winner.